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Admission at SADA
Fulfill Your Dream
The Apprenticeship Program is designed to provide training to Saudi high school graduates to prepare them for entry-level jobs with their sponsor companies. The program provides participants with academic and job skills training to ensure that they have the skills necessary to be successful in their future jobs.
The job skills training depends on which job track the participant is following. While studying in the program, participants work with a range of skilled academic teachers and job skills trainers who provide the assistance and support needed to prepare participants for their career with their sponsor companies.
The Apprenticeship Program’s main focus is to provide training for participants so that they can be successful on the job, but ample opportunity also exists for participants to learn and develop a range of other skills. Many of SADA offer club activities that apprentices can join depending on their interests. For example, the Speak-Up Club helps trainees to develop their public speaking and leadership skills in addition to helping them increase their self-confidence. There are also opportunities to keep physically fit in the SADA’s sports facilities and to join sports teams, including football and basketball.
High school graduates (science stream, art stream, vocational stream and commercial stream) must have a:
A Saudi or GCC National.
A Graduate of High School with a cumulative average score of 70% and a minimum Qiyas average of 60%.
English language proficiency: 55 in STEP or equivalent in IELTS or TOEFL or passing the Academy's English proficiency test of A2.
Applicant must be from 18 to 24 Gregorian years of age at the time of enrollment.
Applicant must be physically fit.


How To Apply
To apply for the program, please click here.
Once you apply online, your qualifications and documents will be reviewed.
Then you will be scheduled for testing in English and math.
You will receive a notification message of your test results through e-mail and SMS. In the event, however, that you do not satisfy the company's requirements, you will not be selected for the program.
If you are selected for the program, you will be scheduled for an appointment to complete the program process.
Benefits while studying as an apprentice
Monthly stipend
Housing, as per sada’s housing policy.
Free medical care, as per the company’s policy
Access to recreational facilities
Annual ramadan vacation, plus public and sada holidays as per the annual training calendar
Remedial classes to provide extra support when needed


Training Tracks
Drilling Operator Diploma
The pattern has been designed and developed for entry level Rig Operators working on Oil, and Gas rigs The course provides both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills development required, to enable personnel with minimum knowledge of the Industry, to move seamlessly into a land or offshore rig.
Well Service Operator Diploma
The pattern has been designed for entry level Junior operators working on Oil & Gas Operations. It covers a wide range of topics and services related to Oil field service companies Operations both onshore and offshore. Furthermore, it includes various practical assignments for the Service Operator to complete in order to capture the full experience of the daily operations and activities specifically those related to the operators working on Pumping & Cementing Services, Wireline Logging and Slickline Services, Directional & MWD/LWD Drilling, Coiled Tubing Operations, Casing/ Tubular Running Services, Mud Logging Services, Completions, and Other services.
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