About The Award
The King Abdul Aziz Quality Award was established in accordance with the letter No. 7 / B / 18670 dated 27/11 / 1420H, in order to stimulate the productive and service sectors to implement the principles and techniques of total quality in order to raise the quality of performance. The award also aims at honoring the best performing establishments that achieve the highest standards of quality by obtaining the appropriate recognition at the national level for their achievements and ranking among the best local establishments.
The award is a way to achieve excellence in business by providing an integrated structure to coordinate all performance improvement and management activities by enabling enterprises to assess their current performance and compare it to the performance level in world-class facilities and thus bridge gaps between the two levels. The award provides specific benchmarks that enable enterprises to measure their performance in several key areas to help them continuously improve business to identify, prioritize, organize and review goals in order to achieve these goals.
The King Abdulaziz Quality Award is the mother's award for institutional excellence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and for all sectors. Therefore, participation in the award is considered one of the most important indicators of the adoption of quality and excellence by the leaders of the establishments and the provision of products and services that meet and exceed the aspirations of the beneficiaries.​
Where the results of the evaluation show that the Academy has achieved one of the levels of excellence and a basis for the National Index of Institutional Excellence - The bronze level